Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Apparently I have an accent

I have been teased for my "jersey" accent before, but here on the west coast some things I say are completely foreign phrases. For example:

1. Down the Shore
I have said this to multiple people. All strange looks and "you mean...the beach...?"

2. Mischief Night
Apparently they don't celebrate October 30th...

3. Hoagie
Got a weird look for saying this at Jersey Mikes, where they should know better 

4. "The City"
"Which city?" It's always New York

5. Wooder Ice
I said it once. Coworker from Pittsburgh laughed hysterically and everyone else looked concerned. 

6. Caramel
We had quite a discussion today. Me and the other east coasters say  "car-mel" while the more west coast people say "car-a-mel"

7. Liquor Stores
They don't have liquor stores in Cali because all stores sell alcohol, from Target to CVS. Lots of fascination as I described liquor stores in NJ/PA

These are the first ones to come up as I moved here. Its funny that we live in the same country but we all talk differently. Luckily I don't have a true Jersey Shore accent or I might have really scared people when I was talking to them. 

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