Monday, December 8, 2014

All I Want for Christmas is....

So I figured posting christmas present ideas here is a good idea since my whole family reads this. I have a hard time coming up with present ideas this year because I have a new job, a new car, a new apartment, and tons of other new stuff and I am pretty set right now. BUT since everyone keeps asking....

1. Books! 
While I have my kindle, they aren't easy to read at the pool or on my balcony. Plus nothing is better then real books.

2. Cool notebooks for work
I have a lot to write down and have already gone through 2 notebooks. But they are just boring black and white books and I would like something more fun. And bonus points if they can help me stay organized. 

3. Things to keep me organized/clean
I hate cleaning and organizing my apartment. Whatever helps!

4. Piano sheet music
I started playing piano again after finding a good used electronic piano. I could always use more music. 

5. Work clothes

6. Gift cards! Seriously. Gift cards are great.
Trader Joes, Target, Walmart, Chipotle (if that is a thing), Kohls, Best Buy, anywhere I can buy clothes...

P.S Nothing big. I have to get this in a suitcase.

Hope this helps! 

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