It was another beautiful weekend in what is rapidly becoming my favorite place, Catalina Island.

Once again I was there for a Scuba Diving class (probably the last one in a while). This time it was Rescue Diver and first responder. This means, if a diver goes down or has problems, I am now certified to assist or led rescues!
It was a crazy weekend, because our instructors kept pretending to get hurt, lose consciousness, get lost, and panic. We did everything from hauling bodies up from the ocean floor, to calming panicked divers, to towing tired divers to shore, to a full on search and rescue complete with practicing CPR. I was so exhausted but it was worth it!
The best part of the weekend though, was going on some fun dives with my dive buddies.

The first dive we did took up through a kelp forest and to a sunken sailboat we could swim through. It was exciting diving without our instructors and having the freedom to go where we wanted.

I really loved the kelp forest.

Here is my dive group!

The second fun dive was even better. We explored the rock ledge that goes to shore and found all sorts of animals. We saw two leopard sharks, tons of big lobsters, lots of sea urchins and sea cucumbers, and a barracuda! The usual fish were hanging around too. Sadly, my go pro ran out of battery so i couldn't get pictures of them.
It was very relaxing and fun diving outside of class. Luckily, I made lots of friends on the trip and have invites to go on future trips with a few people, including my dive buddy for the weekend, Leanne
The other great thing about this weekend is that a few of my Nestle friends came down to the island as well to hang out. It was a perfect day for their first trip to Catalina.

They came down and watched me dive for a while, and then I took them up to town to show them the sights. We rented a golf cart and drove all around, stopping at the top of the hills to get some awesome views, grabbing margaritas on the beach, and everything else.

And of course took a lot of group shots.

At night, we went bar hopping and met a lot of really awesome people, who were all on the island to scuba dive, golf, bike, hang out and do all the other stuff the island offers. We heard lots of cool stories and shared a few of our own. Sadly, I wasn't able to meet the owners of the island like i did last year.
All in all, a very exciting and tiring weekend. I was very glad to be back in my bed in Bakersfield, and its going to be a long week of recovery as I currently can't feel any part of my body!
But it was all worth it because I am very happy to be a rescue diver and I can't wait to get back in the water! It's time I try diving somewhere other than Catalina...