With both hockey and football off season all summer, I haven't watched many sports lately. But luckily this past weekend on Anaheim I was able to get my fill!
First up was a more unusual sport, arena football with the LA Kiss
Basically it's indoor football played on a field half the size of a normal football field. It was a very exciting game as pretty much every play resulted in someone scoring.
The coolest part is the team is owned by Kiss the rock band, so we got to see Gene Simmons. He wasn't too happy that his team lost 84-55, but it was still a fun game.
The next day we went a little more mainstream with a baseball game
Angels stadium was beautiful, and naturally it was perfect baseball weather
The game went into 11 innings and was full of home runs and exciting plays. The Angels finally ended up winning the game after 4 hours of play. Unfortunately by then, my friends and I had some serious sunburns from sitting in the sun all afternoon.
We also took some time to explore long beach, which was just as beautiful as the past few times I have visited
And of course, we had to get some fancy LA food, going to a "southern" BBQ joint that is suppose to be the best in Southern California

It was pretty darn good, but I will have to keep trying all the "best" BBQ in Southern California before I can declare a winner.